Knjiga gostovKnjiga gostov(44, 0)25.08.2010 13:06:39 | The Nicholson family | UK | Thank you for the fantastic warm welcome (43, 0)16.08.2010 10:04:34 | Obitelj Dobrić | Zagreb, Hrvatska | Thank you! Bilo nam je super. Hvala vam na gostoprimstvu. Slovenija je predivna, nismo daleko, vidimo se opet! (42, 0)15.08.2010 09:01:01 | Moorsom | UK | This has been a wonderful place to stay with so many exciting things to do. Thank you for your warm and friendly hospitality. The food was excellent, and everything comfortable and well organized. We hope to be back - we have to play boule again and win! With best wishes, (41, 0)14.08.2010 13:57:16 | The Brown Family | Cambridge, UK | A huge thankyou for a ounderful 5 days at Kranjc! We have had an amazing visit, the food has been wonderful, the views outstanding and the hospitality so warm, friendly and generous! Thanks especially to Urška for your kind, loving nature, humour and pacience with our children, Tom(6) and Evie (9). We will whole-heartedly recommend your establishment to all! Much love, and thanks for making our trip to Slovenia so enjoyable. (40, 0)09.08.2010 16:51:40 | Hulie | Barcelona | Thank you, very good company, familiar and nice! (38, 0)29.07.2010 12:19:30 | Jette, Anne, Joerg | Deutschland | Liebe Familie Kranjc. Wir hatten zwie wunderschoene Wochen bei euch. Das Fruehstuck und das Abendessen war immer sehr lecker! Wir wuenschen Euch alles gute und hoffen das wir Euch im naechsten Jahr wieder besuchen koennen. (37, 0)25.07.2010 18:15:44 | Rafka Kirn | Slovenija | Dragi Kranj?evi!Prvi? v Drenici! Prvi? na tukajnji kmetiji! Vse, kar sem doivela tukaj, je bilo zares lepo. Hvala gospe Ireni, e posebej pa nadvse prijazni in prisr?ni Urki! Rada bi e kdaj prila k vam pod mogo?ni Krn, kjer je vse tako preprosto, naravno in preto s tiino okolikih gora. (36, 0)25.07.2010 15:13:48 | Marija Mercina | Slovenija | Dragi Kranj?evi!Lepo je pri nas, ni kaj! ?e je Drenica s svojimi lepotami - veli?astnim Krnom, slapovi in koriti - biser narave in kulture, ste vi njen najlepi opek. ?e vas ne bi nali na spletu, vseh teh lepot ne bi doiveli. Hvala za lepotno in kulturno doivetje. (35, 0)22.07.2010 17:11:53 | Frederic, Julie | France | Dear Urka, thank you for these times. We are very happy to meet you and we spent good time in your home. You are a very good cooker, you made lovely breakfast and meals. Thank you, we enjoyed Slovenia. See you soon. Kiss! (34, 0)22.07.2010 11:10:13 | Tanah, Lev | New York, USA | Dear Kranjc Family! Thank you so much for making our first stay in Slovenia as welcoming and enjoyable as possible. It will be hard to forget the delicious meals, pleasant company, comfortable lodging, and, of course, the beautiful sights. Our first trip together in Europe has been greatly enhanced by the stay here. (33, 0)20.07.2010 15:07:16 | Valerie | France | We enjoyed a lot the stay here for 5 nights. It is really a nice place, beautiful area, very peacefull. Rooms are very comfortable. It was our first time in Slovenia, we will not forget it. Tahnks a lot for your hospitality and your welcoming. Very good picnic and meal! Best regards. (32, 0)16.07.2010 17:04:27 | 13 Hubberton Hikers | England | Marvellous weather, delicious food, make to feel very welcome. Hospitality second to none. What a wonderful week we have had walking + seeing the sights. Thank you Urka family for a lovely week. (31, 0)03.07.2010 14:01:43 | Marie Steven Whitehause | Coventry England | Fantastic! We are on honeymoon and could not of dreamed of a better place to come. Stay and enjoy the wonderful, warm, friendly hospitality. Slovenia is beautiful, the river So?a is fantastic for rafting, everyone is so friendly. The food is gorgeous. Thank you for making our honeymoon so special. (30, 0)28.06.2010 09:58:12 | Alke, Bernd, und Opa Peter | Deutschland | Liebe Familie Kranjc! Nach 2 Tagen Anreise mit dem Motorrad durch Regen und Schnee wurden wir hier sehr herzlich empfangen. Bei Irena und Urska und Vinko haben wir und sehr wohl gefuehlt und wurden immer mit sehr lecker Essen verwoehnt (inkl. Vinko spezial). Wir haben in diesen schoenen Land immer freundliche Menschen getroffen. Herzlichen Dank fuer die Wounderschoene Zeit! (29, 0)21.06.2010 11:51:28 | Carola | Deutchland | Herzlichen Dank, Irena, Urka und Vinko, fuer eure freundliche Aufualne in dieser familiaeren Herberg! Selbs der Hund ist nett zu uns! Wir halten sehr schoene Tage in einer wundervollen Natur. Nach austrengender Touren sind wir prima essen verwoehut worden. Vielen Dank fuer Alles! (28, 0)05.06.2010 10:38:44 | davide | Italia | E bello vedere persone cosi splendide che fanno con amore un lavoro cosi bello in un luogo meravigliozo... grazie di tutto! (26, 0)05.06.2010 14:31:33 | Daria Santucci | Italia | Thanks for the warm and friendly hospitality in such and amazing place! (25, 0)29.05.2010 18:27:52 | Tanja und Igo | Deutschland | Vielen Dank fuer die wunderschoenen Tage oberhalb des So?a- Tals. Bei vielen Herausforderungen mit dem MTB und schoenen Wanderungen haben wir die Woche sehr genassen. (24, 0)21.05.2010 14:26:12 | Robert Yvonne Harrison Rutland | England | Thank you for a wonderful stay. So welcoming, we agree about the walk above to St. Just and the waterfalls. Lovely food too! (23, 0)21.05.2010 17:23:16 | Robin | Holland | Thanks for the nice time we had in your Bauernhof, beautiful place, lovely surroundings, visit the chapel of St. Just (just 200m away) with lovely ghotic wall paintings! And thanks for the lovely food and the hiking tips. (22, 0)18.05.2010 10:21:07 | Lindy | NSW Australia | We spent 2 peaceful days in this region. Thank you for your hospitality. The home cooked dinner on our first night was delicious!! (21, 0)15.05.2010 14:17:45 | Wolfgang, Manuela,Klaus, Michael, Helmut | Deutschland | Wir wussten nicht was wir reinschreiben sollten haben uns nach reiflicher ueberlegung trotzdem entschieden was reinzuschreiben. Was alles Super! (20, 0)18.05.2010 14:12:20 | Thomas | Belgium | We stayed for just one nights, but we really enjoyed it! Nice cat and dog! (16, 0)11.01.2010 21:33:21 | Sabina Gregorini | Murski rnci 27a, 9251 Tiina | Zanima me e imate e prosto v terminu od 20.02.-25.02.2010, 2 odrasli osebi 2 otroka (12 in 8 let), ter paket Zimske poitnice pri Arnejku - 5xHP.V priakovanju Vaega odgovora, Vas lepo pozdravljam.SAbina Gregorini (15, 0)27.06.2009 14:24:33 | dragica | slovenija | bilo je zelo lepo (14, 0)10.04.2009 20:11:41 | paul sewen | belgium | Just wanted to tell you that we spent the most beautiful 5 days with you.Thank you for everything we will defenitly be back. (13, 0)13.01.2009 15:15:45 | Ana Richard | Canada | My parents were born in Prekmurje, Slovenia. I have been researching and planning a trip to Slovenia for a few months. I just wanted to tell you, of all the web sites for tursticne kmetija I have seen, your web site is by far the most beautiful! The photos are wonderful....I wish I could be there right now. When we finally go to Slovenia, we will definitely be making reservations to spend some time at your farm.Thank you! (12, 0)28.11.2008 14:34:39 | dragica prelaz | Slovenija, Postojna | Kranjevi so zakon! Copyright © 2020 Turistična kmetija Kranjc kategorizirana s štirimi jabolki |